Now, more than ever, we find security and comfort at home, it is and has always been our safe haven. With all these changes happening around us, it can be difficult adjusting to a new set of rules in the “new normal”-- as this gives rise to increased levels of anxiety to those that may feel isolated being stuck at home. It has also become a challenge to set designated areas, and clearly differentiate spaces at home in order to transition from family time, to work time, to rest, and even to claiming personal space. There is no better moment than now to make that conscious effort in taking control of our time.
With this, we share this special collaborating with Leah’s Pantry.
Guided by our core values which center on quality, family, and the home, we wish to give you the opportunity to make better choices. Our partnership highlights our shared goals of providing both individuals and families tools in the kitchen that will hopefully assist in making your daily lives easier, in order for you to have more time to spend and focus on what truly matters.
With this partnership, we wish to highlight the to highlight the two products that we carry. Our Tiger Tacook series of cookers--multi-function cookers which will allow anyone to prepare two dishes simultaneously, while keeping the great flavors of any dish, simply with the press of a button; and Leah’s Pantry’s UNANG GISA line of high quality (farm-fresh), no fuss, proudly Filipino flavor in a bottle; products specially made to take the guesswork out of home cooked meals.
What we intend for everybody to embrace is a method of everyday cooking, requiring merely minimal effort yet creating a big impact, making the most out of your time in the kitchen. We want to afford everyone a chance to explore and get creative in conceiving recipes without hesitation or complication. We want to offer the opportunity to convert your mundane and conventional into something special, for we believe that time spent on doing things for the people you care about in your life is the greatest expression of love.
We hope that the time spent at home did not lead to self-isolation but to self-discovery, that it gave us occasion to internalize and appreciate what we have right in front of us, being grateful for not just the seen, but the unseen as well; that which makes us truly fortunate -- our individual health, our families health, and the safety and welfare of our communities at large. Life is of the utmost priority. As our health has been highlighted these last few weeks, we hope to assist in making your lives easier in creating uncomplicated meals, without sacrificing taste nor health.
More importantly, we believe that love, service, and time are languages that can be expressed through food. As we hope to grant you these values, to be able to afford you the opportunity to be able to choose better and to live better.